Quality Management
The confidence of our customers is based on the quality of our products and services. Therefore quality management is part and parcel of our business.
We are a developer and high volume supplier of reputable automobile and utility car manufactorers. This concerns raw parts as well as finished products. The JURA-GUSS GmbH aims to improve all implemented processes.
An already 2005 installed Quality Management (DIN EN ISO 9001) helps us to encourage this KVP process permanently.
Upon request a test certificate can also be issued.
Testing and measuring machines:
In our laboratories we will realize all required test, controls, and documentations of quality-relevant data.
- Initial sampling operations based on the PPAP procedure by the ISO/TS 16949 or PPF by VDA vol. 2
- Cut images and structural investigations
- Documented X-ray tests
- Hardness test according to EN ISO 6506-1 and tensile test according to EN 1002-1
- Dimension tests using state-of-the-art 3D-coordinate measuring machines als well as the FARO-measurement
- Making of manufacturer's test certificates and acceptance test certificates, both according to DIN EN 10204
- Crack tests by the fluorescent dye penetrant testing